850 Iron Point Road, Suite 128, Folsom, CA 95630

Hurley Counseling
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #98903

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Suicide hotlines provide a toll-free number, but many also provide online chat, email and text messaging hotline services as well. You should choose to access a suicide hotline in the way that makes you the most comfortable. Calls to the suicide hotlines listed below are confidential and free.

24-Hour Suicide Crisis Line 916-368-3111 or 800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
This psychotherapy technique was originally developed by Francine Shapiro. It identifies root causes of psychopathology in the form of disturbing memories. EMDR can alleviate symptoms from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or other traumatic experiences that remain unresolved. Below you will find more information about EMDR, samples of BioLateral Sound Recordings (bilateral stimulation, which is effective both for treatment and relaxation), and an EMDR self-help book.